Acharya Balkrishna

Patanjali Yogpeeth

With revered blessings of Swami Ramdev ji and Acharya Balkrishan ji, Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) came into existence on February 4, 2005 with a prime objective of establishing Yoga and Ayurveda and letting it blinking on the world map, study and ancient research of the Vedic tradition of Yoga & Ayurveda, and for conducting activities at the breadth and length of the spectrum and to launch various projects related to Yoga & Ayurveda. The Trust manages almost all the Yoga & Ayurveda activities. Patanjali Yogpeeth have well equipped Ayurveda Hospital at its premises consisting of various departments wise.
  • Free OPD/Free Medical Consultancy for chronic and complicated diseases,
  • Treatment through classical and patent Ayurvedic medicines
  • Free OPD
  • Kshar Sutra treatment in Piles and Fistula
  • Raktmokshan and Jalaukavadharna & Marm Chikitsa etc
  • Surgery of Hernia, Hydrocele, Appendicitis Varicocele
  • Free OPD
  • Ayurvedic treatment for Nose, Ear and Mouth, Throat and Head diseases
  • Diagnosis with modern equipments
  • Special Ayurvedic treatment for Headache, Eye and Nose diseases.
  • Free OPD
  • Free dental health check-up
  • Scaling, filling, Root Canalling
  • Dental Implant-Ray etc
  • Free OPD
  • Free eye check up
  • Laser & Glaucoma Clinic
  • Imaging A-Scan, B- Scan
  • Free OPD
  • Treatment of child diseases
  • Vaccination of children
  • Phototherapy
  • Swarna Prashan for all round development of children
  • Free OPD
  • Treatment of Gynaecological diseases
  • Facilities of secured delivery for pregnant ladies.
  • Free OPD
  • Purification of the Body through Ayurvedic Medicines,
  • Panchakarma treatment according to diseases through Snehan Karma, Sweden Karma & Pradhan Karma
  • Shastrokta (Classical Text) Treatment for healthy people
  • Free OPD/Free Consultancy for diseases
  • Free happy life/Free consultancy for diet and causes of diseases
  • Free OPD
  • Treatment of Mental and Physical diseases through highly effective procedures of Yoga
  • Treatment of Constipation, Colitis, Cough and Cold, Asthma, Heart Diseases, Headache and Depression.
  • Scientific and spiritual guidance and treatment of complex and stressful problems of daily modern life.
  • Free Yoga Classes at one hour regular intervals, Special Yoga Class at 4 PM everyday.
  • Free OPD
  • Treatment Arthritis, Joint pain, backache etc
  • Sports injury, Nerve injury
  • Hot pack of wax and steam.
12. I.P.D.
  • 100 bedded IPD having Male, Female and Paediatric wards supportive with medically prescribed diets.
  • Pathology
  • Equipped with world class equipment’s
  • Complete body check up
  • Cancer, Tumour etc test facilities
  • Blood, stool, Urine, Semen test facilities.
  • Ultrasound,
  • X Ray,
  • ECG
15. Patanjali Yogpeeth Dispensary
  • Medicines & other Herbal Product of Divya Pharmacy and Patanjali Ayurved Ltd available
  • Free Yoga Classes everyday @ one hour daily
  • Swarn Prashan Sanskar for complete physical and mental development of children
  • Executive and General Body check up
  • First aid facilities for Burn,Cut and wounds etc.
  • Combo package of Panchakarma and Shatkarma for rejuvenation of healthy people
  • Free medical consultancy and medicines for common diseases such as Cough, Cold ,Fever and Diarrhea
  • 24 hrs ambulance facility.
17. Ayurvedic Research
  • Assessment on the effects of Ayurvedic treatment on curable and chronic & incurable diseases.
  • Research on ancient Texts, Samhitas and Medicinal Plants
  • Study & research on Physical and Mental changes in human beings taking due to effective procedures of Yoga in Labs equipped with modern research equipments

Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)

Co-Founder & General Secretary of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust), Haridwar

The Trust came into existence on 5th January, 1995 with a sole idea to serve mankind by eradication of all obstacles of sorrows, physical illness and to equip the masses with mental peace, by practicing Ayurveda, Ashtang Yog, Raj Yog, Dhyan Yog, Hath Yog, Aasan and Pranayama etc. To achieve the objectives, number of units such as Divya Pharmacy, Divya Prakashan, Divya Yoga Sadhana, Divya Gaushala & Divya Nursery have been commissioned and providing services under the guidance and close supervision of Acharya Balkrishan ji.
Journey of Divya Prakashan commenced, under the leadership of Acharya Balkrishna ji with a sole objective to provide qualitative literature on Yoga, Ayurveda, herbs and medicinal plants, spirituality, diseases and their natural remedies with a view to serve the mankind.
Divya Yoga Sadhana
Producing and distributing of audio-video visuals like DVD’s, MP-3, VCD’s cassettes in Hindi, English and other Indian languages, aiming at Yoga therapies, Ayurveda, Sacred chants and religious music, Devotional and Patriotic songs, etc.
Divya Gaushala
Two gaushalas (cowsheds) have been built under the Trust wherein, high breed cows are being looked after well to obtain valuable cow products for formulation in Ayurvedic medicine wherever required.

A Gaushala at Gurukul Gaushala Farms, where approx 500 cows of good breed such as Rathi, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Haryana, Tharparkar, Gir etc. have been housed. Various Cow products including cow milk, dung and urine are needed for preservation, improvisation and manufacture of Ayurvedic. The dung obtained from Gaushala is being used as compost manure and bio-technical manure for organic food grains, fruits, vegetables. Biogas is also produced from dung and other refuses which fulfils the cooking needs of Ashram. The domestic cattle breed such as Rathi, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Haryana, Tharparkar, Gir are being used to improve the breeds. The Gaushala premises are about in 50 Acres. Bigger size biogas plant waste converting machine, urine distillation units have also been pressed into service in the farm. The units for assessing and utilizing bullock power, Panchgavya Research & Training Centreare also functional at the farm site.

The work for the preservation, improvisation and manufacture of medicines requires cow milk, cow urine, dung, and preservation of Indian cattle breeds (especially cows and bullocks), is going on since long in the ashram. Now greater attention is being given a broader the sphere.
Divya Nursery
Divya Nursery has been established nearby Patanjali Yogpeeth at Maharishi Dayanand Gram. This Nursery has collection of more than 900 medicinal herbs, shrubs, trees, climbers and ornamental plants. Great impetus has been laid to explore more possibilities of a large number of wild collections with a motive behind for exposition and research work on medicinal, aromatic and other ornamental plants in a well thought of and organized manner in Divya nursery.
To popularize and instill knowledge of Ayurveda in the future generations and to conserve commonly available medicinal plants, Divya Nursery was created. Patanjali Herbal garden has recently been re-organized for the benefit of scientists in particular and masses in general. A team of scientists from the fields of Botany, Ayurveda and Agriculture are doing their best for research and development work here.
About 300 species of herbs, 175 species of shrubs, 50 species of climbers, 25 species of aquatic and about 350 species of trees are present in this garden. Besides, 5 Artificial caves giving natural look are present in the garden which provide most suited environment for the growth of bryophytes, pteridophytes and orchids. Some caves exhibit the basic knowledge of Ayurveda through beautiful and impressive sculptures, showcasing as to how our ancestors were intelligent in preparing Ayurvedic medicines like churns, vatis, asavas and bhasmas etc. It also displays different Yogasanas, Pranayams and mudras through similar work of art.
Beautiful Nav Graham Vatika, displaying 9 plants facsimile the concerned planet. There is also a beautiful Rashi (Zodiac sign) vatika and Nakshatra vatika. The Rashi vatika contains 12 plants according to their Zodiac sign and Nakshatra vatika contains 28 plants according to their Naskshatra sign. There are seven artificial fountains and one beautiful pond which provide suitable climatic conditions for aquatic plants like Trapa natans L. (singhada), Nymphaea nouchali burm.f. (kamal), Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze (Tagar), Ceratophyllum demersum L., Pistia statiotes L., Typha angustifolia L. (Pater) etc. There is a large Bird house with different varieties of birds and rare plants around a small pond and waterfall which provide scenic and natural environment to the birds. Visitors can pass through this bird house by hanging bridge and could enjoy the natural & scenic beautiful surroundings .
Herbal garden provides green and live saplings of medicinal plants grown in the nursery by our experts These plants are available for sale for general public from nursery at very reasonable price.

Co-Founder & General Secretary of Patanjali Gramodhyog Trust

This Trust has been established under guidance and direction from Acharya Balkrishan ji with the sole aim to self-employment and eradicate misery in the villages especially promoting women employment in the villages and to improve the living standard through locally available resources such cattle generated resources, Bee keeping and herbal farming and organic cultivation practices.