June 23, 2019: Experts of the research Institute of yoga Patanjali Research Foundation (India) believe that these exercises effectively help to cope with various diseases, including internal anxiety, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Suppressed and psychosomatic disorders.
Yoga has a positive effect on the General condition of the body, restraining stress, it improves sleep and health. This type of training is able to cope with illnesses, says the Acharya Balkrishna known Indian expert in Ayurveda and classical yoga. It is not worth to be treated as magic or black magic, the coach believes. Yoga is a separate research area. The Institute will examine how exercises help to get rid of diseases caused by a certain way of life. To approve Balkrishna, scientific Institute has made progress using a variety of methods of treatment of common diseases.
The specialist expressed the opinion that in the world of yoga did business, however it is a cure for stress and consists of three parts: postures, breathing exercises and meditation. The complex three directions capable of creating a positive therapeutic effect. Read More…….